5 Acre Tech

Get your Apple watch fast before they're gone. Alexa Week, and more.

December 18, 2023 Adam Ogan and Ronnie Tofte Episode 18
Get your Apple watch fast before they're gone. Alexa Week, and more.
5 Acre Tech
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5 Acre Tech
Get your Apple watch fast before they're gone. Alexa Week, and more.
Dec 18, 2023 Episode 18
Adam Ogan and Ronnie Tofte

Ever wondered how to get the most out of your Apple Watch? Or perhaps you're curious about what Alexa can really do for you. Tune in, as we sail through the tech seas, discovering treasures hidden in plain sight. We've got a juicy bit about an ongoing patent dispute that might make Apple Watches a rare commodity. Plus, we talk about Bleeper, an app that's created quite a stir within the Apple ecosystem. 

Imagine a world where your voice is the ultimate remote control. That's what we'll be exploring as we delve into the realm of home automation and voice assistants. Our homes have become more than just living spaces; they are our personal, smart hubs. Ever thought about ditching that old pole string in your closet? We'll share how we did just that using smart lighting and a dash of tech-savvy ingenuity. From motion sensors to voice-activated calendars, we'll show you how to transform your home into a smart and seamless environment. 

But we're not stopping there! Ever heard of Ziggy? This is not your everyday voice assistant. Ziggy allows for fluid, natural conversations without the need for constant wake words - a game-changer in the voice assistant world. We'll be putting Ziggy to the test, just for you. What's more, we'll give you a sneak peek into the AI capabilities of the Ziggy device in our next episode. Don't miss it!

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever wondered how to get the most out of your Apple Watch? Or perhaps you're curious about what Alexa can really do for you. Tune in, as we sail through the tech seas, discovering treasures hidden in plain sight. We've got a juicy bit about an ongoing patent dispute that might make Apple Watches a rare commodity. Plus, we talk about Bleeper, an app that's created quite a stir within the Apple ecosystem. 

Imagine a world where your voice is the ultimate remote control. That's what we'll be exploring as we delve into the realm of home automation and voice assistants. Our homes have become more than just living spaces; they are our personal, smart hubs. Ever thought about ditching that old pole string in your closet? We'll share how we did just that using smart lighting and a dash of tech-savvy ingenuity. From motion sensors to voice-activated calendars, we'll show you how to transform your home into a smart and seamless environment. 

But we're not stopping there! Ever heard of Ziggy? This is not your everyday voice assistant. Ziggy allows for fluid, natural conversations without the need for constant wake words - a game-changer in the voice assistant world. We'll be putting Ziggy to the test, just for you. What's more, we'll give you a sneak peek into the AI capabilities of the Ziggy device in our next episode. Don't miss it!

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Do you have an Apple Watch? Did you know you can wait a minute? Who updated the show notes? This is last week.


I thought we were talking about Alexa.


Yeah, we are. We're going to talk about Alexa and Amazon. This is Amazon Echo week.


Yeah although what did you hear about the Apple Watches?


No, I did not.


But all of this.


Let's start over. No, really, yeah, ok, on Five Acre Tech. I'm Adam Oghan.


And I'm Ronnie Tofty.


And this is Five Acre Tech. Did you know it was Five Acre Tech? Because I really didn't know. I didn't know. You did, I didn't know Well here we are, guess what, before we do that?


this is episode, or this episode of Five Acre Tech is being released on Monday, december 18th, just a little late today. Two thousand twenty three, episode 18. This is Five Acre Tech. You can see the fiveacretechcom Blah, blah, blah, blah. Don't forget. Yeah yeah, go to Mermaid Mama. Go to Mermaid Mama if you want to buy stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, ok.


All right Go, so two things OK. We talked about last week. We talked about Bleeper a little bit. Yeah, we did. The app, the workaround app, to use iMessage, that thing is blown up. What happened? Apple shut it down and now they're talking about getting politicians involved. Make sure it's like not breaking any kind of laws and it's. It's crazy what's going on. That's crazy it is. You heard it here first, or?


second, second, probably Probably second.


If you're listening. So anyway, the other thing OK, I watch is yes, if you're getting an eye, watch Actually wearing it today. Yeah, go if you want to. The new it's the.


It was that, the ultra nine, all those calls yeah, if you want one of those, you better go get one quick. Why they're not selling out? That's not the problem, really. No, they're in dispute and they're pulling them off the shelves. On the 21st They've stopped making them and by the 24th there will be none on the shelves until this dispute is resolved. What happened? It's some Patent that they're arguing over with. Some has to do with the medical side of the watch. There's some medical companies that's saying that they've infringed on their patent, so they have to pull it until they resolve it. So get your watch quick, or else you're not going to.


That's probably a good idea. So anybody that wants to get a watch or an Apple watch, you just need to go down here, very far down. If you're on, wait a minute, hold on, I don't see anything. I don't see anything. Go way down there in the description on YouTube and click on a link to go to Amazon to buy an Apple watch. If you want to buy one there, help support the show. It gives us a few pennies you got to look for one.


We've never made any money yet, but somebody's going to be the first, and if you're the first, your name will get basically splattered throughout the If you tell us your name, and most people will never do that. They don't want to be associated with us, but anyways, that would be awesome. So get your Apple watch wherever you want to buy it from. That's right, and this is supposed to be the Amazon Echo week, right? So what we're going to do and I haven't even talked to Ronnie about this yet I thought, since we're going to talk about Echo and all the things it can do, why don't we do Google Next, and then Apple's AirPod, or not AirPod, what is it called? I don't have one of those.


Oh, like the, you mean the home. Yeah, they're home. They're home assistant speaker. Yeah.


Why don't we go ahead and get one of those and try it out and see what it can do? Apple's version?


I didn't know really yeah, they have, they have one, it's different.


Google has one, yeah, you know. So let's try Apple's, and we'll try one every week.


Yeah, well, hey, did you hear about Windows? The new Windows is coming out.


No, yes, you, yes. You sent me an article. Oh, and guess what? I still did not read it.


Well, there you go. We can't talk about it. Then, yeah, you can. Oh, I don't know much about it other than that's there. They're implementing AI into the newest version of Windows. When it comes out, ai is taken over the world. Man, yeah, and I did read to that. Apple I think it's Apple laid off a bunch of people because they're they're using AI for a lot of their answers.


It's well, you know that, talking about AI, and we've been asked to talk about it, and so I actually used chat GBT to do something quite interesting. So I, my wife and I, were invited to a gender reveal from some of our friends and their new baby, and I decided to thank her for sending us the gender reveal and I sent her something back that was quite touching and I basically told it Right. And thank you, you know, to Melissa For the party that she had for so and so and so and so Gender reveal party, and that no one died from the bow and arrow that was shot into the bloons to reveal the gender, make it elegant and 100 words, and this is what came out. And so, without using names, ronnie, you read it.


I extend my heartfelt gratitude for the splendid gender reveal party in honor of Anne Blank. Your impeccable taste and attention to detail transform the event into a tapestry of elegance and joy. The daring bow and arrow reveal, executed with precision, added an exhilarating touch to the festivities. I appreciate not only the excitement but also the assurance that your meticulous planning safeguarded everyone present. Your ability to infuse sophistication into every element of the celebration ensured that it was a night of enchantment, leaving us with cherished memories. Thank you for orchestrating an unforgettable event so that George, julie, adam.


Yeah, I put down on there my, my new AI name, which is Adam G P T. So then I decided to go ahead and send one to her husband, but I told it something different. I said and make it cling on.


At the end. So did it speak? Cling on.


No, I said, make it cling on like the style of Klingon English. Cling on, yeah. So here it is and says his name. Well, I'll just drop it Trey Kupla. The majesty and orchestrated of blank, blank Gender reveal festivities were unparalleled In the daring bow and arrow, competition or ceremony, honors, the occasion, the absence of casualties, amid the exonerating spectacle of the testament to your prowess and warrior event planning, and it goes on and on and on, but you guys are probably bored by now. Anyways, right at the end it says I express my appreciation for the unforgettable evening.


And then my cling on name, which was Adam G P T. There you go. Yeah, it's kind of funny, so you can do a lot with it, and you know it's a lot to read this one longer.


Everything that I'm saying is people are just using that instead of Google now because it's more accurate and more detailed with its searches.


Oh it's, it's fantastic which you can do with it. So that's that's kind of what started this. I went ahead this morning and said to the Amazon well, to chat GBT, let me go back to it. My question to it was top 10 things you can do with the Amazon Echo and I use the A word, but I'm not going to do that on the air and so it came back and it said smart home control use Alexa to manage smart home devices like lights, thermostats, cameras, through your voice command. Well, we all know that, but what it now? It didn't go into detail. I didn't tell it to go to super detail, but let's talk about some things that people may not know. Can you control the lights in this?


room with your voice.


Yeah, I can. Oh, now why not? Okay, let's do it, let's see, let's see, let's see, yeah, yeah, ziggy, turn off the man cave.




Ziggy turn on the man cave, Okay.


There you go. Demonstrated Yep.


Okay, here's one Ziggy man cave, order 66. That's cool yeah.


The lights got dim and red. Yeah, Order 60. Oh.


Ziggy stop, Ziggy stop, Ziggy stop, Uh-oh.


We're going to get in trouble for that, aren't we? Yeah, probably.


Ziggy reset the man cave. Ziggy reset the man cave. Okay, that doesn't work as well when a lot of people are talking.


Yeah, sorry.


Um, yeah, so Ziggy cave orator light white.




Oh great, I said it. I said it Ziggy stop. Ziggy. Kegerator light white. Ziggy Tiggerator light white.


So those are who are not.


Stream lights isn't responding. Sorry, the one light in the room.


Yeah, you can see it reflecting kind of on my hand, if you're on.


Yeah, there it is, actually it's it's red. It should be or white.


Yeah, no, it's fine.


Yeah, the bulb went out and I'm probably turning red right now mainly because it's the light that's making me turn red. Oh no, we've got a little so you know you probably experienced some of those things too, where things go wrong with it. You know multiple people talk. You talk too soon to it. It happens there is a setting on there about that.


Really, I was looking at that and it said that when you are setting up your echo, you can change its settings so that you don't have to continue to say its name when you write multiple.


Yeah, yeah there is.


There is a really cool setting that allows you to continue to talk until you're done talking and then it will listen and then quit till you ask again. So, in other words, without saying the command over and over again, you can just repeat yourself and we'll take it as a new command. So it's kind of nice. Yeah, kind of a nice feature. I it's when you got a lot of people here. I don't think it works as well, but I haven't tried it. It'd be something to try again. Yeah, it could help.


It probably would be confusing for you, yeah.


So you can also set up emergency contacts. A lot of people don't know that.


So, basically, if you have your, if you've fallen and you can't get up, yeah.


If you write yeah, so it's like, it's like the commercial, I've fallen and I can't get up. Right, mrs Fletcher will send somebody soon. Thank you, so that's probably a commercial you've heard, and I was looking at several things this morning and saw that and this is a really good one and this is one I'm going to go ahead and get reset up and I've heard about the changes they made in it and I just thought I'd share it with you guys on that. So it's got the emergency alert system and so basically you'll set up your address and everything and one contact in there, and so at that point you can set up the emergency alert system where you can say different commands like help, um, I, you know, say her name, you know I need some help, and um, it'll call the contact that you've got yeah, yeah.


Will it also call 911?


No, it will not.


Well the contact of service that will determine what to do and call people on your contact list also, or have the emergency people have the ability to contact that. I'm not really sure. We're going to run a test on that and we'll get back with you Show you what it really can do, but something to look into that's. That's in your Alexa app and you can just go to um, over to the more button and scroll over once of all the different buttons on emergency alert. So really really good product there and, uh, I really highly recommend setting that up. You can also use it for um, some family members that are aging and you can pay an extra fee to be able to um monitor you know, your, your loved ones, basically no matter where they live, and um, so if something happens, they can call for help or it will recognize the sound. It will contact emergency people whoever's on the list.


I think it's $19 a month. Um, I think it's $19 a month. Um, I think it's kind of an important feature. Yeah, sounds cool. Yeah, um, yeah, I would. I would definitely use that one on myself.


I like the what you just showed me the other day.


Oh, yeah, yeah.


An announcement.


Yep, let's try that here. Of course it's going to fail, not working correct, but basically you can make an announcement and I was going to hit the button and it's got me redoing it the way it works. So here it goes Announce Hello everyone. Announcing Hello everyone.


So it literally sends your voice.


So you can use the app on your phone. If you have a car that has an Alexa built in, you can just say um or Amazon Echo built in I apologize for that you can say you know, basically from your vehicle I have. I have a Ford and it's got it built in for truck and I can say you know I'll be home in five minutes, turn on the oven. I've done that before. You know. We're going to take and bake pizza and you want it. You don't want to heat up the house too much but you want to get it to the right temperature. You know she'll turn it on for you, meaning you can make an announcement and then your wife will go in and turn it on, right.


Yeah, I just started doing that. I make announcements to my wife and kid all the time. Now, they love it, doesn't bother them at all.


Yeah, Did you hear something? No, why? Oh, I thought I heard a knock at the door. Oh it's.


I'm I'm wiggling my mic stand.


Oh, there, it is Awesome. There it is again. Thank you. That's why I paused there, because we could have just cut right there and I got a, got up, edited the video and nobody will ever know any difference.


But I didn't have to Thanks Ronnie Wiggling my leg Sorry.


Okay, what else can the Alexa thing do? Amazon, echo, dang it. What else can it do, ronnie, do you know anything?


Lots of lots of things. Lots of things basically Controls your lights. You already talked about that. Right, we talked about that Making announcements, it can do the whole, you know. News.


Yep Music streaming. Yep. So you can use Amazon's music streaming service, Spotify's music streaming service, whichever you have, you can attach it to it and just say whatever you know, whatever in your playlist or whatever's on that. For example, I use Apple and I just say hey, play my whatever playlist, Right.


It'll. It'll work with several different apps, too, that are out there. For example, if you use radio stations I believe it's a, it's a radio station, it's a Pandora Well, I heart radio and a couple other ones. So if you, if there's a specific station in another part of the country you want to listen to, like a, like a local radio station, you can listen to it talk radio and radio and all that you can also listen.


listen to your favorite podcast.


Like Vibecotech.




It should be your favorite, should be your favorite. It's my favorite, it's mine. Now. I listen every week.


I do too Twice at least.


Yeah, as we do it and as I listen to it that's why we have happened wrong, that's why we have three views every week.




You, me and you.


Yeah, me and you, that's two. Anyways, um, weather updates. I like this one, so weather updates are really awesome. On it. You got to set up correctly and it will ask you if it's correctly set up. If you want to do this, it'll basically say, hey, do you want us to give you, you know, emergency weather updates? So all of a sudden you'll, you'll get an update and it'll tell you what what's happening, you know, it'll give you a notification. There'll be a yellow light underneath it and, um, kind of like I don't know if you can see it on the echo over here, but at the bottom there's actually a yellow line and you can just say you know what your notifications are and go from there. Something like this Um, I won't do it exactly, but, alexa, well, cancel, ziggy, what is the weather today?


The current weather is 74 degrees Fahrenheit, with clear skies and sun. Today's forecast calls for more of the same, with a high of 75 degrees and a low of 52 degrees.


Yeah, technology, don't be jealous. Okay, guys, you just heard what the temperature is outside. Yeah, and a lot of you are dealing with cold and snow and rain.


Yeah, like people like, for example, washington four degrees.


Yes, washington, it's 74 degrees here sunny. What other?


countries do? I was working in a T-shirt outside Just saying yeah, don't be jealous, cause I was working in a T, in a T-shirt, outside all day, right, that sounded like a movie quote. I did, yeah, I did, I think.


Don't hate me, because I'm beautiful.


You know it's like it was Napoleon. Oh, yep, and anyways, where else do people call? Listen to you? From when you know that?


Oh, we got people listening all over. Of course there's some people in. According to our little app we use to track where people are watching, we got someone in Germany. Oh cool, I think it's Tiffany's cousin.




Good job.


Layton so yeah, and in Australia, I mean in Austria, yeah.


He was in Austria.


Now, yeah, austria you put another shrimp on the Bobby. No, no, oh, that's my sister. She lives in Australia.


Australia, not Austria. She lives in Melbourne.


Yes, it's different. Yeah, Completely Crumby. That's her name, crumby and her band's name. She actually has a band. You can listen to it on any of the music. Nice, just go look for Crumby. Yeah, put a link, hi, crumby. Now what else can we do?


You know I think everyone who has one knows this, but you talked about notifications when you receive a package, it turns up yellow. Yeah, so you know that you've got a new package.


Yep, it does. So you get the yellow notification at the bottom of each Amazon Echo, or the Echo Show a yellow line at the bottom, which you can't see there, and you'll be able to be notified of the package you got. Now it can do other packages other than Amazon packages. It will track that too, but it doesn't seem to work the same, so it's not. For some reason people haven't set it up exactly correct. So I like to get a notification when UPS or FedEx ship something, and I haven't found a good skill for that. So there are skills you can download, so like applications for your phone. It would be a skill, they call it, and so you can download all sorts of skills to do all sorts of things.


Does the notifications show up on your phone?


Yes, it can show up on your phone also.


Because that's kind of important. Then you know we got people who like to do what do they call that porch robberies? What do they call that Porch pirates, Porch pirates. And you get a notification and you got something expensive coming. You call your neighbor or whoever to say, hey, can you throw my package somewhere safe? Yeah, I don't know, it's just a thought. It's like something you can take advantage of If you got some cameras outside, it'll also keep track of that.


A lot of the cameras have the ability to know that you've got a package delivered. So anybody if you don't have UPS or FedEx, the rain camera, the wise camera, they can actually notify you with its notification tool or and or through the Amazon Echo to actually, let's see what he's got here. Drop in Intercom. Yeah, what's that? So, yes, you don't. You just notice that for the first time. You don't want to do this on the air.


Just in case, but I could drop in and so, yes, I'm looking at the Alexa app as we're talking and they have new stuff all the time and I don't know if it's new, but new to me, If I touch that button, I can my Alexa oops, sorry, my Echo would become a microphone so I could hear my wife and they'll let.


They'll let them know they hear something on the other end. I'm not sure. Stop, oh, no. So, for example, ziggy drop in on the RV living room.


RV living room or living room.


RV living room.


Oops, rv living room or living room.


RV living room.


RV living room or living room.


Living room.


Okay, dropping in.


Hello, so that's the sound you would hear when you actually drop in.


Now we hear it echoing in your living room.


Yeah, we hear it echoing, so you would drop in. You have a conversation, notifies them. We're going to turn that off right now. Ziggy, hang up. You can also make a phone call. You want to call somebody? Sure, Okay, just tell her. Now, let's do this. Call your wife no, even better. Call your granddaughter no, even better, Ziggy. Call George Ogan, George Ogan.


We should have called Antoine. He wants to be on the show.


She didn't do it.


Is it not set up?


No, it is Ziggy, call George Ogan.


What should I call George Ogan's phone or Alexa devices?




Calling George Ogan's mobile. The contact is not available.


Well, it didn't work for that one, so he's maybe on the phone out of service at the moment, who knows. But you can drop, basically make a phone call right to an Amazon Echo to a cell phone. I don't know if we'll drop in on Evelyn or not.


So you can also just do routines.


Routines are the coolest, so one of the routines is which I didn't do Ziggy reset the man cave.




I think I did say that, but it's still not changing the light. Maybe I don't have it the right name at this point. So that's any of the stuff I did earlier where I changed the lights and colors here. Basically it's a routine and I can give you some of the routines that I've set up, of things you can do that are actually pretty cool. So, for example, front doorbell detects motion. What are we going to do with that? So, basically, if the front porch ring video doorbell detects motion or the driveway one, if it detects motion at nighttime the outside lights are off and I've got maybe one or two very limited amount of lighting, but it's just to save money with lights it will immediately turn on the lights outside. So it detects motion, turns on the light, gives it like 15 minutes and then the lights go back off again. So if you walk out of the house, you don't have to do anything. It'll turn the lights on. So awesome, so you can do stuff like that, so you don't have to.


You know, because other people have motion sensitive lights. What you're saying is they don't have the motion sensitive lights. The Alexa actually turns the power on to the light.


Right, so the Alexa will do it by noticing motion. This is one of my favorite ones right here. Ziggy, open the blinds.




At this point, I would go over there and open the blinds and then, right about now, this is what she'll do.


The blinds are open. Thank you, Adam.


So she had me do work.


Because you're not set up to.


No, I don't have a home automated blind. So she tells.


But if you say opening.


I open it and then she says thanks, so I made it automated. Yeah, it's just a funny joke. Let's see what else. Oh, this is a really good one. So RVs are very limited on what they can do. So if it gets too cold in my RV and I don't want the pipes to freeze which is very rare around here, but it can happen and it has happened Only what I can do with the correct Amazon Echo, the $100 round one. It has temperature built into it. So basically I can tell it if it goes below this temperature, turn on a home automated switch which I have connected to a heater that will turn that on and heat up the RV living room, and so in theory, it won't freeze unless we lose power. Cool, we lose power. I go out there and I have no idea what to do.


I've got some battery, so the gas heater would work. Yeah should, I believe. I'm really not sure about that. I'm going to assume that it will. You have solar panels on your RV? Yeah, I do.


But the, It'll probably work yeah it will work.


When I lose power, my fridge stays on and several outlets yeah, we've used the routine on some of the episodes in the very beginning, where we tell Echo to set a timer for so many minutes and then the Amazon clock we can see it above and then we'll start counting down right before we need to quit the show, which is really coming soon. But we're having so much fun here telling you all about the different things you can do. One of the funniest ones is Time for Football, and I can't show that one, but my wife loves that and puts off one of the songs that pulls up a YouTube video and all the lights turn a different color in here to blue for the Cowboys. Cowboys, yeah, my wife's favorite team, and you know they just won a game a few weeks ago.


Yeah, but not last week, nope, not yesterday no no, I mean America. Top talked about that.


I don't mind talking about it, so also, I set up if the RV temperature gets above 90 to notify me. So if I feel like I need to go out there and turn on the AC just so things don't get too hot in there, I can go in there and turn it on. I don't have an automated thermostat in there, but that is something you can do. You can be notified of all sorts of things you can think of. There's also a little Alexa button. I really wish they would make those still. I think they stopped selling them. But oh, this, this is a really good one.


So let's say you don't have a light switch in your closet, you just have a pole string. Well, I eliminated the pole string. I put in home automated light. I tell I said I set it up on a routine to tell it to turn on the home automated light, the smart light. It does it.


But what if we forget to tell it to turn it off? So it will go back and look to see if it's on every 10 minutes and if it's not on I mean if it's on it'll turn it off in 10 minutes. So that solves the problem right there, especially in older homes. So you don't have to change really any light switches to make that work, because it can be always on. It doesn't matter my garage lights, it's set up to do the same thing If there's no activity, using one of the echoes that was made for, like, outside, and it's got a motion sensor. Of course, that new echo, the one we gave away, has the ability to pick up sound motion and notice the same thing. So it turns off the light when it notices no notion motion at all. And this is one of the ones I did, alexa lounge one. Actually, I said the wrong thing again.


Alexa stop.


So yeah, all the light could turn colors in here.


I told it to stop because it's going to play some music.


Ziggy reset, the man cave.




You had to stop it because it would have gone into a copyrighted song.


Yeah, we can't do that. I don't have any songs on there myself. Maybe I can get permission from my sister to put her songs on. Maybe I'll do that, I'll ask her. Sure, she was Because that would be cool, especially she's got her latest album. So what else can you do? So, yeah, you can set up. This would be a fun one. Somebody keeps walking across your lawn and you have a ring camera outside and it notices motion in a certain area like your lawn. You can have it turn on the sprinkler system, nice.


Yeah, people use that for like deers and stuff.


Yeah, that's what I meant for a deer, oh it would be funnier if it was a human. Oh dear, oh dear, uh-oh, uh-oh, getting a phone call. We'll have to deal with that. So what else do you think you can do?


Ronnie, well, I was just looking at some stuff, but I don't know. It seems like we covered everything. I think we did.


There were a few other things Calendar management that's a very cool feature, so you can manage your calendars with this Skill integration. I think that was trivia games. Oh my goodness, trivia games. My kids, my grandkids, love that. Traffic information. There's also traffic, so you're getting ready to go to work. For example, let's pick a city Ziggy. What's the traffic like going to San Antonio?


At the moment traffic to San Antonio looks good. The fastest route takes about two hours 23 minutes via US 181 and I-37.


So you can be notified even before you leave that what the traffic is going to be. So it's kind of a good thing to hear. You can also do that with all the other voice assistants. I believe you know news updates. You can listen to NPR, bbc, cnn. Give a little. You know. You know up to date news, headline news of some sort, alarms and timers that is one of the best. Sent an alarm for something you're going to need to do and they'll tell you what it remind you what it is. You can set reminders, the timer you can set a timer for cooking. That is always great, you won't forget. You should set a timer when you're filling up a bathtub full of water.


Why doesn't?


have that doesn't have a overflow drain. Overflow drain when you buy a pre manufactured home. Why, I don't know, but nothing happened. But just just as a thought.


Yeah, experience something like that.


Not once Twice. Oh anyways, voice shopping, voice shopping. Who likes to voice shop Ziggy? What can I buy today?


I can help you shop for everyday items. Try saying things like Alexa, order AA batteries or reorder paper towels.


So if you got something you're going to reorder or remind you about your air filter every so often will say, would you like me to order an air filter? And you just say yes, so you can get that out of the way. If you got it set up correctly, you know if you've already bought your filters before it'll, it'll buy the filter for you that you've bought. You know, kind of all the time.


Does a couple days it comes in.


So there is a lot of things. Explore these devices, and the one thing that was interesting is let's do this one. This will be the last one. So, ziggy, let's chat.


Thanks for trying. Let's chat a more conversational feature, including continuing your conversation without repeating the wake word. While I can converse on many topics, I might not always get things right and some things won't work, like playing music and setting timers to use these, you'll need to say exit. If my response is inaccurate or inappropriate, you can always say I have feedback. Do you want to start testing?




Great, now let's get started.


All right.


To exit the session, say exit. I'll also exit if you stop talking to me for a short while. I'm always up for a chat. What would you like to talk about?


I'd like to talk about the latest news today.


Sure, what would you like to talk about?


What's on the headline news.


The Supreme Court has overruled a previous verdict that held arbitration clauses unenforceable if the underlying contract was unstamped or insufficiently stamped.


So this is brand new.


This ruling has significant implications for the validity of arbitration PACs and the enforcement of arbitral awards in India.


Ziggy, it is advisable to exit, all right.


The scale of one to five stars, where one is poor and five is great. How would you rate your overall experience Five?


Thanks so that was a preview.


This was not available. The other day I was going to say I got an email stating that this was ready and immediately got another email saying that that was an accident. I don't believe I got another email. If I did, I hadn't seen it yet. So try that. So ask her to basically chat. If you don't have it, say you want to test it when it comes available for you and we're going to do a show about that next, not a whole show, but I'll show you what it can do. So it's supposed to be AI and we'll see what kind of conversations we can have with that. Nice, we'll do a test on the next show Sounds like you're teasing the next show.


I'm always teasing the next show because it's so much fun. And on that note, see ya.

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