5 Acre Tech

Apple Vision Pro, break down the reviews. Ryobi battery adapters. E-24

February 05, 2024 Adam Ogan and Ronnie Tofte Episode 24
Apple Vision Pro, break down the reviews. Ryobi battery adapters. E-24
5 Acre Tech
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5 Acre Tech
Apple Vision Pro, break down the reviews. Ryobi battery adapters. E-24
Feb 05, 2024 Episode 24
Adam Ogan and Ronnie Tofte

Embark with us on a journey beyond the screen, where the Apple Vision Pro isn't just another gadget—it's a revolution in the palm of your hands. Together with tech gurus Casey Neistat and Marques Brownlee, we unpack the allure of these wearables that are redefining our interaction with technology. From bustling office spaces to the breezy skate parks of New York, the Vision Pros promise a seamless digital experience that's as mobile as you are. As we reminisce about the transformative iPhone era, we're awestruck by the parallels and thrilled to speculate on how these wearables will shape the future of computing. It's not just about the technology—it's about the journey, the innovation, and the excitement of what lies ahead.

Imagine multitasking during FaceTime calls with unparalleled ease or expressing yourself with the Vision Pro's lifelike persona feature; it's not just innovative, it's downright personal. Tune in as we reveal our own tech-adoption stories, from the pioneering days of Tesla to the avant-garde Kia Telluride, drawing connections with our current fascination for Apple's latest marvel. And as I plot my course back to the Apple store to feed my insatiable appetite for tech know-how post-iMac purchase, we dissect the potential integrations within the Apple ecosystem that could change the game. So grab your earbuds and join us, Adam Mogan and Ronnie Taughty, for an enlightening ride through the ever-evolving landscape of tech on Five Acre Tech.

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Embark with us on a journey beyond the screen, where the Apple Vision Pro isn't just another gadget—it's a revolution in the palm of your hands. Together with tech gurus Casey Neistat and Marques Brownlee, we unpack the allure of these wearables that are redefining our interaction with technology. From bustling office spaces to the breezy skate parks of New York, the Vision Pros promise a seamless digital experience that's as mobile as you are. As we reminisce about the transformative iPhone era, we're awestruck by the parallels and thrilled to speculate on how these wearables will shape the future of computing. It's not just about the technology—it's about the journey, the innovation, and the excitement of what lies ahead.

Imagine multitasking during FaceTime calls with unparalleled ease or expressing yourself with the Vision Pro's lifelike persona feature; it's not just innovative, it's downright personal. Tune in as we reveal our own tech-adoption stories, from the pioneering days of Tesla to the avant-garde Kia Telluride, drawing connections with our current fascination for Apple's latest marvel. And as I plot my course back to the Apple store to feed my insatiable appetite for tech know-how post-iMac purchase, we dissect the potential integrations within the Apple ecosystem that could change the game. So grab your earbuds and join us, Adam Mogan and Ronnie Taughty, for an enlightening ride through the ever-evolving landscape of tech on Five Acre Tech.

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So we're the new Vision Pros out. I've seen all those reviews.


I have seen a few reviews. I have Pretty interesting huh. I am excited.


It's true. It's true. One of my big questions was early was like, when you put those on, is it just something that you're gonna be used like in your office or in your house, or can you, because it looks like you can see through them. So are you gonna be able to walk around with it?


And I think our answer was I know we found our answer, but I was like I don't think so.




Even though I've seen the video from Apple many few times, I was like no, I don't think so. And then I saw a video from Casey Neitstadt on YouTube and I suggest everybody go watch that at one point, oh my goodness, it opened up my eyes to so many different things, including the fact that you can ride a skateboard while wearing the Apple Vision.


Pro. I still think that might be a little sketchy, but he did it.


He did it. And the other video from Marcus Brownlee is when he talks. If you watch that Casey Neitstadt video, he talks about Marcus Brownlee as a good review. Recommend that one also, because that's a full review. But this is not a full review. We don't own them.




The thing that we've done is we waited to see. Is this the right thing to get? Should we review this? Yeah, I think at one point to review it. Right now it's sold out, so it's gonna take a while to get. I'm not too concerned about that. But then the video I watched today that made us change the whole way we did this podcast today is the fact that when Casey Neitstadt starts riding down the street in New York with the Apple Vision Pro on, I was like, oh my gosh, the answer is there. And then you mentioned a while back this is such a new product. People are gonna give this bad reviews and you really can't do that anymore, because when the iPhone first came out, that was an incredible device, but nobody knew what to do with it. Well, I'm in tech and I'm gonna always look for the next app, the next big thing, the next big feature. I was flabbergasted by what I saw today. I mean, and the two in these two YouTube videos.


The iPhone is a good illustration, because when the iPhone came out it was expensive and I didn't have one and my first thought was it's gonna spend that kind of money for a phone.




No, To make a phone call and to send a text right.


And only 18 years had it.


Well, yeah, and I didn't understand the app, the whole app thing, like that was a new concept, right. So I was like what are you talking about? And then, of course, you start seeing people use it and use it, and use it and you're like, oh, it does this, oh it does that, it's like, oh you know. And then, of course, I was still cheap and I bought an Android, so that's why I'm stuck in an Android. I'm just cheap.


Yeah, I got stuck into an Android because I didn't have AT&T. At&t wasn't going there, it wasn't working in my area. Good, there's a lot of reasons I wouldn't wanna go to AT&T, but that's a different story.


That was also part of my thing because I had Verizon.


Yeah, yeah, it just seems like everything AT&T touches it just goes bad. But they did have it. You know, it was interesting, we got to watch this and then when I got my first iPhone, I was like, wow, and that's where I think we're at with the beginning of this, and it's kinda like the first computer I ever owned was the second Macintosh ever built. So it was 1987 when it was released and the first one I don't remember the release date I looked it up earlier and the release date on that one is few years before and I was looking at lots of different computers. You know, I was looking at the Apple IIs and the Apple this and the Apple that, but then the Apple Macintosh came out and I was like, okay, this is it. This makes sense to me.


This is the kind of stuff I do, even though I'm in IT and I can kinda see things by people talking kind of in my head. I'm not a programmer, I'm an integrator. I integrate product for people and work on networks and active directory and sometimes we work on Macs. But I started with the Mac and had to move to Windows. But I have iPads, I got an Apple Watch, I got an iPhone, which is what we're using today to do this video, and I've got to watch all these things that Apple did, and then we see this today and you and I watched the videos together and it's amazing. It is.


Absolutely amazing. It's definitely. And someone early on or maybe it was Apple with the Apple review we watched, not review but tutorial or whatever it was on it Said it was going to revolutionize the computer industry or computer, they use some sort of terminology like that and you can see it now. Yeah, especially with that Marcus, I guess. Yes, he when he broke it, raked it down and he gets all into it. I think we're going to talk about some of the things that we found interesting from his video that's it's it's.


We're going to supply links to these videos in the description below and we're going to. We're kind of skipping over everything today because this is so exciting, but you know what? This is our what 24th episode?


I'm Adam Mogan and I'm Ronnie Taughty.


And we'll see the rest of this in just a moment. This is five acre tech. So, as I was saying, and don't forget to like and subscribe.


Hey, we almost have 50 subscribers now. I know that you guys are doing something, so keep it up.


Yeah, something's going right and the last episode we put up, over a hundred hundred people watched it, so we're getting somewhere. But back back to the Apple Vision Pro. I think this is going to be the first iPhone. And now where are we? At iPhone 15, 15, you know, more than 15 years later. I don't think they put them out every year in the beginning, but I don't remember.


This is going to be one of those things, and what does it look like? I mean, from what we saw today, I would buy it. I'm excited about it. I would buy it because I want to know what it's going to do and I want to help give that feedback. It's kind of like when I bought my Tesla. They want you to give feedback if you want to, so you can hit the button a couple of times on the steering wheel and provide feedback. I don't mind ever doing that. I did that for the Tesla. I've got a Kia Telluride. We got one of the first ones in Texas just happened to walk on the car lot the day they released that one on that car lot and we didn't see another one for seven months. I helped them with that. I just called up one day and said hey, I got strange problems and here's what's going on. It's fun to do, it's real fun.


Apple appreciates it. So would I go out and buy it if you can afford it? Yeah, absolutely, because you are going to be part of the beginning of something new, something new the way computers are going to be handled for now on. So, as Casey Neistat did, he got on a skateboard, he walked around New York City, he tried it all sorts of different ways. Some things didn't work as well as others. But this is a baby I mean, it's a baby and it had a C-section. It went out of Windows and it's Apple.


Yeah, yeah, right, in the sub way he was like it doesn't work, there's too much moving going on. Yeah, he didn't confuse the device, but he used it everywhere else.


He used it everywhere. And the one thing we hadn't figured out we were talking about it right before this if you're on a FaceTime call, can you operate a second like the computer at the same time? Like have your MacBook Pro turn on iMac, anything? Can you operate that computer, turn over and look at it and see if that screen is showing up and talk to the people in the middle of the meeting that you're having, or do you actually have to look down at your computer and it won't show up? And can it show the other people that are present in the FaceTime conversation, like?


share your screen.


Like a screen share. I don't know if we're there yet we don't own it.


It's going to be interesting to find out. Yeah, they didn't say it.


But there's some good videos out there and now that it's released I'm excited. I was like huh, you know, I'm really, you know, and I know Apple's going to put out a good product. They've put out great products and when it doesn't work, they get rid of them pretty quickly. But it's very rare that that's ever happened.


So you mentioned FaceTime. Yeah, how in the world is a set of goggles like this going to make it Face on work? Explain that, for that I know Well, we're going to pretend that this is the Apple Vision Pro.


This is not the Apple Vision Pro. This is our cool microphones that are right here. We showed them on the last episode. But why he had it? Marcus had it on. They were able to see his eyes and take it and do a persona of his eyes. And then he takes it off and does the persona app on the phone to get it ready to see his face and they tell him to move up and down.


Basically taking pictures of every angle of his face, if you're an iPhone user, you're going to know what that is for a face ID. You're going to be doing this, so this one has you do this, this, this and this, so left, right, up and down and smile. Smile, show your teeth.


Raise your eyebrows.


Raise your eyebrows and then you put it back on and now you have the persona.


And it was quite impressive, very impressive.


It's more, it's not. Some people have said it's cartoonish. I think it's CGI, more CGI. Back 10 years ago maybe, maybe a little sooner, but absolutely impressive, Probably even sooner. Nothing like this I've ever seen on any device. When I talk to that person with that persona, absolutely as they talk about, you forget it.


So one one. If you watch the video, he's going to explain it. But just to note here if you buy one and you go to make your persona, make sure your, your hair is done, yes, and you're wearing something nice, because that is the image you keep forever. Your facial expressions change as you change. It moves perfectly with you, but your hair doesn't change, yes, your clothes don't change. Your makeup doesn't change if you're a girl.


And forever is basically until you redo the persona, so, but you'll have it there until you redo it. So it quite, quite interesting. I'm just absolutely flabbergasted by all this. I mean the videos. Today, after it's been released, I bought a new iMac. It'll be here tomorrow, planning on taking it with me so my wife can get some training. She's not as good as Max, as I am, and I, you know, I haven't really used the Mac in a while. So I want to see, I want to take it to Apple, even though I can probably do it online Look up a video, but they'll give you a free class at their store. And we're going to go to San Antonio and I'm going to go there and Get a refresher course, get a refresher course.


You know it's not going to be that hard for me, but I want my wife to be successful and she's not as techie as I am, so with that I'm hoping to try out the Apple Vision Pro there.


There's probably a doubt. I bet this is going to be a lie.


I doubt it's going to happen, but if I can make that happen, I'm definitely going to do so. May have to drop the fact that we're doing videos and podcasts.


So this is our attempt now of immersing, or this amalgamation for the lack of better words of a podcast and a YouTube video at the same time. So hopefully you guys like the format. It'd be really nice to get any kind of feedback on that. If you like the way it's going, let us know. If there's something we need to do different, let us know. We're going to be doing a lot of things different, as today, which it's night time outside. You really can't see outside. Where are we? Did you remodel your office? I remodeled. It's a quite interesting remodel. It's called the RV.


You're in a different location.


Yeah, in a totally different location. Not sure what that does to the video, so I'll put that back and sorry for the extra noise.


Yes, Is there any chance we're not recording right now?


There is no chance. We're not recording, OK good, we're recording.


Scared me for a minute. Ok, keep going.


So I think we'll get off on that. What about oh Are? We done, oh no no, no, we're not done yet, Okay so so battery life oh battery life, absolutely so.


Just as I thought, the battery life is gonna be between two to four hours, depending what you're doing with with this. You put the battery in your pocket. You plug in the back of the battery. You can plug in another USB-C cable. That USB-C cable can go into a wall charger. It can go to another battery. So basically you can put a super long life battery to charge the battery that you're using constantly and and it clicks.


The cord from the battery Clicks on. He said that's the only way you turn it off once you click that on, it's on, yeah, and it will go to sleep if you take it off.


But the only way to shut it off was to Unplug it, otherwise you put it down and it and it basically goes into a hibernation mode. I think he said it could have been something else. He said but you know, walking around, going back to that, that was amazing. He went through the subway, he got on the subway, got off the subway. It didn't work in all locations because of movement, but I mean it answered. That answered more of our questions than anything so far. Those two videos Absolutely.


You're looking for something to watch about this product and just trying to decide to get it or not. As soon as I can afford it, it's kind of I'm getting it, it's, it's gonna be amazing. I would like to be part of this at 58 years old, but For 57 I don't even know how old I am it's one or the other. So, yeah, it's, it's absolutely fantastic, and there may be 58, 59 this year. The apps there's not a lot of apps, but the iPhone, when it first came out, didn't have a lot of apps. I know they talked about Netflix and all the other stuff where other people are not using, not gonna turn it on. It's gonna happen, they're, they're gonna do it. It's, if it's not this version, the next version. But once they see this thing, and you can still access those accounts on.


The web browser. You just not exist on an app for it. Although I said that, what did he say? The Amazon's got an app for it.


I'm not sure. I can't remember if they said that or not. What was the?


app that he talked about and how it had it actually designed.


Some of the Things inside the app that that was just what they had there built in oh, okay, yeah, it was cool.


Yeah, there's some stuff such as some movies on On the Apple TV, movies that you can watch that were immersive. So basically they'll kind of do a 360 around you and you can watch everything around. Pretty cool, very cool. That that's gonna be interesting. I'm more interested in using it as a tool for work. Other people may want to use it for gaming. Other people may want to use it for everyday life, just sitting there on the couch, you know getting calls Opening up a web browser to operate, you know something to sell somebody insurance, for example.


There are so many things you can do with this and I don't think it's really that hard. Yet Typing seem to be, you know, hunt and peck. It needed to see your hands, but Maybe, maybe they'll allow a keyboard at one point to be hooked up to it. That would be interesting. But again, how do you see the keyboard if you're not used to? You know I look at the keyboard, but I can do a little bit better than hunting back. But voice typing, you know, is great. You can do that. They were absolutely fabulous. I'm so excited to try it. I just I'm ready to do it. Cost, though, yeah, but like anything else like the iPhone.


Just like the iPhones, it's got to cost something to make things. Yeah and this is something new just like the first televisions that came out, or thousands of dollars. Anybody that wanted a 75 inch TV forget it. I mean, it just wasn't gonna happen. My first TV was Flat panel TV, was a Vizio, and it was a thousand and fifty nine dollars, and bought it at Sam's Club. Three weeks later it went on sale for a thousand and nine dollars and Fortunately I was able to get some money back on that because I went back and they probably guaranteed it. So you but? But now you can get a 75 inch for six 600 bucks, $500. Yeah, so it's gonna, it's gonna come down. We've got to. Anybody who's absolutely interested, watch these videos, watch the right videos. If you're gonna, if you're excited about it, get it. Lots of people have bought it already. Yeah, I don't. I don't think I'm worried about it Now. I'm gonna get it, no matter how it works. We're gonna all be part of what it's gonna turn out.


I'm not gonna get it. Why aren't you gonna get it, cuz I have an Android. Where's our sound button? Yeah?


wait, that will be coming soon. We'll have sound buttons.


Oh, you don't have what they have a Share feature. So when you're, if you buy one and you that someone use it, they're gonna connect to your, to your phone. Yeah, so there's a share feature.


I didn't know that it.


Yeah, it locks down some of the, so it's gonna be very fun for them because it's gonna lock down some of the features on your phone. Maybe some of the personal yeah text pictures and pictures and whatever, but they'll get to see some of it. But that's an e, that's good. Yeah the feature. Let's see yours.


We'll talk about it Unbelievable. Yes, you'll be able to use it and I won't lock it down. I have nothing to hide Except the button that I'm locking it down. You'll never know, I hit it anyways. That's really all all we've got. We've kind of covered everything without spoiling it for these guys. I Mean Unbelievable KC and Marcus.


Let us great videos. If any of you guys out there have one, let us know.


Please, let us know if you've seen another great video, yeah on it. Let us know. We'll put it in the show notes or maybe do another video in the future. Our plan on it.


And did you mention? I get it. We're gonna put the links to those reviews, yeah, in there, we're gonna.


Yeah, I did mention that again. We're gonna put the links in the in the description below and To those two YouTube videos. They were incredible, absolutely incredible Cool. So I don't have any idea how much time, because what we have over here is we Screameered over to a television and the only thing I'm doing is this far away and I'm holding that up because it all locked up. So hopefully the it's working properly, but if it's not, we'll have to redo it and nobody will ever know. Right, but we have a couple other things that we were looking at and save them for next time. Yeah, we could.


The One thing that was really interesting. I'll bring this one up and you can bring up the second to last one up if you want. It's up to you. They're both kind of short Ryobi battery adapters. So I've found something in that news app you use and it popped up said Ryobi battery adapters and so on Amazon. I searched for that and there are tons of things you can do with Ryobi batteries. There's adapters to Plug in to the bottom of a drill to use any brand battery. You just buy the one for the brand. Let's say, you bought a certain tool from Ryobi, or Ryobi is what it's called, and you wanted to save a little money. You can buy a cheap adapter and hook up with DeWalt Huh battery just like that nice. Thank you for listening to 5acre tech.

Excitement for Apple Vision Pro
Apple Vision Pro
Ryobi Battery Adapters and Options

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