5 Acre Tech

Deorbiting Starlink Satellites: Space Tech Meets Eco-Responsibility, Echo Connect, and Debunking Waterlogged Phone Myths. E-26

February 20, 2024 Adam Ogan and Ronnie Tofte Episode 26
Deorbiting Starlink Satellites: Space Tech Meets Eco-Responsibility, Echo Connect, and Debunking Waterlogged Phone Myths. E-26
5 Acre Tech
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5 Acre Tech
Deorbiting Starlink Satellites: Space Tech Meets Eco-Responsibility, Echo Connect, and Debunking Waterlogged Phone Myths. E-26
Feb 20, 2024 Episode 26
Adam Ogan and Ronnie Tofte

Ever wondered what happens to Starlink satellites after they've dutifully served us from the cosmos? Buckle up for a journey through space and tech as we dissect the controlled chaos of deorbiting satellites. It's not the Armageddon scenario some might paint, but a fascinating convergence of science and environmental responsibility. Plus, we'll pour one out for Amazon's Echo Connect, reminiscing about the seamless, voice-controlled phone calls it brought into our lives and the Echo ecosystem. It's a trip down memory lane, paired with a look at where the future of voice integration is headed.

On the more terrestrial side of things, forget everything you've heard about saving your waterlogged phone with rice—it's time to separate tech myths from practical magic. We've got the real scoop on what Apple suggests for rescuing your drowned device. And while we're dispelling rumors, we'll also address the buzz around Tesla's supposed falling satellites. Whether you're a tech aficionado or just looking to keep your gadgets afloat, this episode is loaded with insights and tips that might just save your digital day. So come along with us, no rice required.

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever wondered what happens to Starlink satellites after they've dutifully served us from the cosmos? Buckle up for a journey through space and tech as we dissect the controlled chaos of deorbiting satellites. It's not the Armageddon scenario some might paint, but a fascinating convergence of science and environmental responsibility. Plus, we'll pour one out for Amazon's Echo Connect, reminiscing about the seamless, voice-controlled phone calls it brought into our lives and the Echo ecosystem. It's a trip down memory lane, paired with a look at where the future of voice integration is headed.

On the more terrestrial side of things, forget everything you've heard about saving your waterlogged phone with rice—it's time to separate tech myths from practical magic. We've got the real scoop on what Apple suggests for rescuing your drowned device. And while we're dispelling rumors, we'll also address the buzz around Tesla's supposed falling satellites. Whether you're a tech aficionado or just looking to keep your gadgets afloat, this episode is loaded with insights and tips that might just save your digital day. So come along with us, no rice required.

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You might be wondering why are we on the road again? And that's a great question. I'm Ronny Tofty and I'm Adam Oghan, and where are we going?


We are headed back from Houston. The last time we were in this vehicle, you remember what happened we were going to Houston. Not the last time but maybe it was the last time. I think it was the last time we went to this client.


I think we came up with the idea for the podcast. Yes, we did. So we've made full circle we came up with the idea and now we're well. Almost a little over six months, yeah, and we've been doing a podcast. Slash YouTube channel.


Yeah, talking about that slash YouTube channel, slash podcast, heavy on the YouTube. Heavy on the YouTube. To be honest with you guys, I think we're just headed to YouTube, why, well, we've got more people listening on YouTube? Yeah, we do, and it's just really going nowhere on a podcast where pretty much our content is turning into a YouTube channel more than a, I think people like seeing pictures? I think so too. Video and pictures yeah, I think so too. You want to?


watch it, not just listen.


I know so so let us know in the comments. Yeah, definitely let us know in the comments. Which do you prefer? And for those who are listening on the podcast, we're going to do a few more episodes and wait to hear from you guys if we should keep the podcast side going on your favorite podcast app or just listen to the podcast on YouTube. Music slash YouTube. Yeah, and it's really just a YouTube video.


Right, so you guys will decide what we want to do. Did you all hear that there are satellites Tesla satellites falling out of the sky? Is that really happening, Adam?


No, it's actually not Not at all Well, kind of, though right. Well, we can do one of two things at this point of the video we can stop and correct it, or I can tell you it's Starlink. Tesla doesn't make satellites.


You choose. Leave it in, you choose. Elon Musk designed the satellites. I don't know if he even designed it. Well, you know it. Yeah, have no clue. He has an engineer team that designed it.


But you're right, the satellites from Starlink are getting ready to fall out of the sky and nobody has control of it, except for, probably, elon Musk. It's probably going to hit the button because there are problems.


Yeah, there's like first gen satellites that they've found some problems with and they're just removing them from low earth orbit in a controlled manner. It's not going to be mass chaos in your house going to get blown up, so no panic, please Don't lose, you've seen those articles that sensationalize that it's not really going to be that bad.


No, not at all. We're going to. Basically, they're going to send them down because there's a glitch in them and it could cause a problem in the future they're noticing. So the best thing to do is to send them down and they're going to use their ionic thrusters to push them out of the low orbit that they're in, and that's how they're going to control that. So, just, it's a smart thing to do. He's, I think the plan. From what I originally read, the plan was we're gonna send up satellites. People are paying for the internet. They're not gonna last long because things change, technologies change, and they're gonna send them down as they put new satellites up there. So you know, every three to five years, something like that, they're gonna be new satellites. So sure yeah, we're our. Our company, five acre tech, is creating helmets that will be will be selling on link in the description.


Yeah, link in the description below for kind of like.


Kind of like the link in the description when you go to my personal website About Amazon Prime yesterday.


Yes, but they're, these are real helmets, so we're gonna put links in.


yes, yeah, crash helmets. We have an am, I like crash helmets right.


We're gonna put an Amazon Amazon right to helmets.


Correct and that was sensationalized.


Next topic Do you have an echo connect?


Actually I do. I do have an echo connect.


They're getting rid of it. Is it? Are they getting rid of it? Are they getting it? Did you guys hear they're getting rid of it? Yeah, does anybody even know?


what echo connect. I didn't know what it was. I think most people do not know what an echo connect. Maybe that's why they're getting rid of it. Very, very likely, because when the echo connect came out was very close when I was getting ready to start my first YouTube channel and I got it I had to use for it. Basically, if you're in the Amazon echo environment already, you're gonna want to echo connect because there's one of two things you can do with it, and what I was gonna do is it was the second thing. The first thing is you connect your old phone line to this device. It's it's basically, if you're in in this line of work, it's an ATA put in reverse and You're accepting a phone call, a phone call through it to answer or to ring on your Amazon echo.


So, and what? Why would it be good for that? For anything like that? Because you got echoes all over your house. Yeah, you can just say you know her name and answer the phone. Right, and she'd answer the phone. You can go over to pick it up. What I was gonna use it for was a Bluetooth device that I can connect my, my, my phone or my wife's phone, or both of our phones do. So we can actually answer it on a plain old telephone, which would then go into the echo, connect Out to the Amazon echo. Thus our phone is sitting in the next room. We can answer it without running in, you know mass hysteria to answer the phone like I do.


Yeah, well, of course you can always use your Apple watch if you have one, if you have one, so if you have it on. But it just didn't happen with all the things that had transcribed, inscribed in my life at the time. It just I just never did it.


You know what you do what? Give another. Give away another echo, another one. Well, we talked about giving one away, but we haven't done it yet Next week we're talking about it. Next week Promise, I promise Okay, next week, you guys hold him to it, yeah.


Hold me to it. Next week there will be a giveaway. We'll announce the giveaway for next week on the show notes, the instructions and instructions on the next episode. Okay, all right, all right, promise, promise, okay, next week. I'm not sure you have the notes I'm driving. Oh, I don't have that. That is all for my notes. No, we had more stuff we were talking about more stuff. We can talk about the ways. The wise camera.


Oh, that's what we're going to talk about.


No, actually not. But that's okay, we're not. No, but I would love to talk about it, the breach where people have been able to snoop in a wise camera and see what's going on. So for all you people who have wise cameras in your home, be careful what you're wearing or not. Yeah, but again, that's probably sensationalized. We haven't looked really into it close. Well, they said it has happened to lots of companies.


Yeah, it's 13,000 breached, so it wasn't like it was huge and I'm reading your firmware. Well, I'm mostly will have those set up, like you know, on the outside of the house. So who? Cares if somebody connects it, you know.


Yeah, if you've got anything, everybody knows where you're at at any moment. They can look it up, they can get connected to it. They try to keep it as secure as they can. Being in this line of work, we know that.


And you know it happens, it happens.


It's nothing to be, you know, excited about Get rid of everything.


Right. The other thing we wanted to talk about a little bit briefly is Apple Vision Pro.


Here's what I got to say about Apple Vision Pro. I had nothing, yet I don't have it. You're going to go this weekend, though, this coming weekend on. Saturday it's the plan I'm going to demo one in San Antonio, one of the Apple stores, and I'm going to tell you guys what I think about it.


Everyone's returning them. Everyone's returning them. Of course they are. That's not true. I don't think that's true.


No, it's not.


I think some have been returned.


It's true to the aspect that the few people that bought them, probably in the idea I'm going to go and make a YouTube video about it, are probably the ones that are really returning it. But you can't blame them. I mean, it's an expensive product. A lot of people don't want to be stuck with it. But, like I said on the last episode, I think you know if you're in it. You're in it. You know if it works for you. I don't really know how it's going to work for me.


There's a lot of things that were discussed recently about the Apple Vision Pro, and one of the things is you get motion sickness from it. Can you get sick by wearing it? Is it going to bother your eyes? I really don't have the answer to that. I don't think there's anything in there that's going to affect your eyes, except you're really close to a screen which has light LED light or LCD light, I'm not sure which one. I think it's LED and you know, being real close, that may make up a little bit of a problem, but for me I'm expecting to get motion sickness from it, but I don't know. People that get motion sickness from it have said they don't get it.


Yeah, I think that, like anything, it's new. So, like you said, they buy it, they try it. They didn't like it for whatever reason. It could have been one of those reasons, or it could just be they're frustrated with it. Yep, you know, it's completely new, like spatial computing, that's like a whole new term, just like.


Well, let's give it some spatial.


Yeah, right, yeah, exactly so, like the iPhone. I'm sure people return some of the iPhones. They first got it because they got fussy and couldn't work it out, you know. So it's all about something completely new. It's going to be hard, but it'll come around.


There's already other companies now talking about making fun. Iphone I've seen was like full on pair of glasses that look like this versus that big old yeah I– clear, yeah, yeah, the whole thing, like the whole 3D thing, like whole vision, but it was still spatial computing, right, yeah, so that's so. Who knows where where the future holds for that? Is it going to stay big, bulky glasses or is it going to be something smaller, like your normal glasses? Yeah, be cool. Think you figure out a way to do it with normal glasses and still have the full, you know, 360 degree theater and look and all that whenever you're watching something fun, but who knows It'll be.


Yeah, so if you know still looking at getting getting a pair, try it. You got 30 days. Be honest about it.




You know, if you're not, if you're just wanting to try it, go, go to the store, go online. You can search for demo app and Apple vision pro and try it out. You have to schedule, you got to schedule appointment.


It's a week out, okay, so you know if you don't want to go any further after a week. So I'm going Saturday, I'm registering this evening, should be. Should be, no problem. There's plenty, plenty of room from what I saw. Cool, then work out. I'll schedule it for for Monday. All right, we'll see what happens there. We're still driving. What else do you have on on the the net? That's it. I think there was other stuff. There was Yep, there was five things. Oh, you want to go, okay? So, yeah, the giveaway this week is going to be a Amazon Echo. There's also going to be a camera, a blink camera and a light bulb at the minimal. I'm not sure what else we're going to throw in, so we'll, we'll see what happens.


Yeah, we talked about that meta version. Meta version face computing is similar to Apple vision pro Ray Ban meta meta smart glasses.


We didn't actually mention it, but yeah, that's all about the same subject. Oh, the rice, the rice. So have you ever decided I'm going to put my phone in rice because it got wet, right and it's it's going to absorb all that moisture and it's going to fix my phone? Or you're probably better off just cooking the rice and eating it, because that's about all it's good for, Basically, that that's it's not the right way, according according to Apple, Old wise tale.


Yeah, definitely that new wise tale, because it's new.


Yeah, it's a new. It's a new one, okay, so you can. You can call it whatever you want. It's a rumor, not true? Didn't make sense to me. Even if you put it in a box with 1000 desiccates which, if you know what a desiccate is it's that little package that comes in devices that you buy to keep the moisture out I still don't think it's going to help you. It's not going to suck the moisture. So what they recommend is taking the bottom of the phone where the charging port is, for example, on an iPhone, and you're just going to bang it in your palm like this. I bang it on my leg, shake the weight out or water out.


Shake the water out, you're going to.


You're going to hit it just hard enough to make the water come out. I'd like to do it on my leg. If you have blue jeans on, you can do it over and over again till there's no more water showing up on your pants or on a rag, you know, or on a paper towel in your hand, or just wipe your hand off as you bang the phone down on your hand to get the water out. Now I think a little bit of heat helps. Sure, if you, if you can keep your phone on your dash and on a hot summer day just for a little while to help get that heat, that phone up, to get the moisture out. Your phone's already probably in the state that you know.


If it's in this state, if it's in this state where it's saying it's, it's got water in it, you know, and it shuts itself off and you're trying to get the water out, it'll help draw that moisture out, because heat will, you know, make water dissipate, it evaporates. So that's what you really want to do. Don't want to get it too hot, could damage the phone, don't. I'm not telling you to do this, but if you know what you're doing, leave it out there just for a little bit to get warm. That will help it. Wait 30 minutes, they say, after you think you've got the water out, see if the phone comes back on or hook it up to the charger. That's it. That's really it.


And that's it, and that's it. That's all I've got to say about that. Did you guys hear that there are satellites Tesla satellites falling out of the sky soon?


Let's start over Cut take two.

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